Sunday 20 February 2011

Everybody dance................oooooo ?

Last night the faithful gathered for a disco. The event, was organised at the Aviator public house at Staverton and was a huge success. It wasn't ever meant to be a big fund raiser, more a celebration though we did run a raffle, which netted £245.00. We also made some very good connections with our community.The pub didn't charge us, the D.J offered his services for free and the dancing carried on late into the night. Without doubt the best bit was the students attendance. Once they started dancing,there was no stopping them and the at the end they were clamouring for details of the next bash.
I extend sincere thanks to our hosts Pat and Richard at The Aviator, who were fantastic, they run a great pub too and also to Mike Wickers our brilliant mobile D.J. He is a real professional,had an incredible range of music and without waivering once fed the insatiable demands from his audience. I can't thank Mike enough,but I can tell you,that if you need a good disco for any occasion,you'll work hard to find better. His contact is 01684-292651 or 07765572428 (Disco Masters).

Saturday 12 February 2011

With the spade work done,we can continue with the..........spadework.

 After much paper shuffling, the Land Registry have confirmed The Butterfly Gardens ownership of the new land. This was something of a relief as we had already planted a couple of hundred trees. This week we will really make our mark though. On tuesday we will be joining with a group of volunteers from Sainsburys at Barnwood to set about planting 250 more. We are intending too establish a small wood in one corner of the plot and expect to wrap the exercise up by the close of day. We are all greatly enjoying the new space and are delighted to see so many from the community sharing the land with us.
Spring is just around the corner and I can hardly wait.