Monday, 22 August 2011

Increased turnover

Since returning from our Opera adventure,things have continued to bounce on. The doors have been open this week and students have been pouring in. We have done an amazing amount of work.
There has been a big focus on our recycling initiatives,with Aluminium cans joining the stable of retrievable s. Waitrose have started collecting cans on our behalf and the students have greatly enjoyed the sorting and crushing. Aluminium is currently quite valuable so we are hoping that a momentum will establish with our collectors.

Of all the initiatives though, the one that has been most popular with students has been the dismantling of videos. With the video having been usurped by the DVD and charity shops no longer taking tapes in, discarded videos are all destined for land fill. As a curiosity, we starting dismantling tapes and found every element recyclable. We have trays of plastics and steel, aluminium clips, springs,cellophane, cardboard as well as bits of nylon. The students love it and there is great competition for the work.
As a spin off we are packing the seperated spools of tape and selling them on as a garden tie.
So, if you are having a clear out,or want to become a collection point do get in touch.